Plataea 2024
Welcome to Plataea 2024
Plataea 2024 is both a reenactment event and a digital experience of the Battle of Plataea in 479 BCE between the forces of the Great King of Persia, allied with the polis of Thebes, and the army of the Greek Alliance, including the Athenians, Spartans, and all of the other allies. The Digital Experience (coming soon) offers a set of videos on the Battle itself, on hoplite warfare, on craftsmanship and other aspects of the period, and on the archaeological Museum of Thiva (Thebes) in Greece.
This event was originally planned for the 2500th anniversary and has now been through several iterations and we apologise for the many delays and the sometimes confusing information. All event registrations will have to be through this site. We look forward to seeing you on the ‘Dance Floor of Ares’, and if you are an historian, craftsperson or reenactor and cannot attend, please consider making a (short) video on a period subject and submitting it to us.